AFL great worried by 'dangerous' draft call

2 years ago 194

Port Adelaide large Kane Cornes is acrophobic astir the hype surrounding the statement No.1 prime successful the AFL draught Jason Horne-Francis, amid comparisons to immoderate all-time legends.

Horne-Francis is each but definite to beryllium the sanction work retired astatine the apical of the draught by North Melbourne, who person confirmed it volition not bid connected father-son prospects Sam Darcy and Nick Daicos.

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A terrific play has earned the 18-year-old rave reviews truthful far, with Kangaroos recruiter Scott Clayton saying helium "has the attributes of [Michael] Voss and [Patrick] Dangerfield with the power, velocity and endurance operation each large players have".

While Cornes believes the South Australian volition bask a palmy career, helium asked: "How overmuch unit is excessively much?"

Horne-Francis' operation of power, velocity and endurance has earned comparisons to immoderate all-time legends (Getty)

"That's arsenic large a connection successful the lead-up to a draught arsenic I tin remember," helium told SEN SA Breakfast.

"Usually clubs privation to play down their subordinate … present you tin recognize wherefore North Melbourne person rejected Adelaide's connection for that pick.

"But however overmuch unit is excessively much? Is helium going to beryllium amended than Nick Riewoldt successful 2000, than Luke Hodge (in 2001)?"

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Cornes compared the hype to that surrounding Bryce Gibbs, who Carlton selected archetypal wide successful the 2006 draft.

"He was a 'generational player,' (it was) the aforesaid benignant of hype. I conscionable deliberation it's unsafe to beryllium giving these wraps," helium said.

Cornes compared the hype astir Horne-Francis to that astir Bryce Gibbs successful the lead-up to the 2006 draught (Getty)

"Reportedly, helium tin grip it. I haven't met him, and haven't seen him play enough, but it's a batch of unit to beryllium comparing him to the champion No. 1 prime of each time.

"I conscionable wonderment if North Melbourne had realised that these comments would spell mainstream, whether they would person tempered expectations a small bit.

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"It's a batch of unit to enactment connected an 18-year-old earlier he's adjacent reached an AFL nine … it's a pugnacious game, and you request a batch of things to spell right.

"You request to onshore astatine the close nine with a bully improvement strategy, you request to beryllium truthful highly driven yourself to scope those heights."

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