AFL star reportedly arrested in New York

2 years ago 261

Collingwood's Jordan De Goey has reportedly been embroiled successful different off-field incident, with reports from the United States that helium and a person allegedly groped a pistillate and past assaulted her person astatine a barroom successful New York.

The New York Daily News reported that De Goey spent Saturday nighttime successful a compartment aft an alleged incidental astatine a rooftop barroom successful Manhattan.

According to police, De Goey and a friend, Luke Dyson, approached a pistillate connected the creation level and groped her. After a antheral person of the pistillate tried to intervene, Dyson allegedly stuck him successful the look with a solid bottle.

"Collingwood is alert of a study involving Jordan De Goey," a connection from the nine read.

"The nine is attempting to interaction Jordan, who is successful the USA, to find the facts of the matter. The nine volition not beryllium successful a presumption to remark further until it has done so."

The 25-year-old midfielder precocious had a erstwhile indecent battle complaint withdrawn, and Victoria Police has been ordered to wage his ineligible costs.

The complaint related to an allegation of indecent battle of a pistillate successful Kew connected June 21, 2015.

Later connected Sunday morning, the AFL issued a little connection that they would analyse the incident.

"The AFL has been contacted by the Collingwood Football Club and made alert of a study involving subordinate Jordan De Goey, who is presently overseas. Collingwood is attempting to interaction Jordan to get further information," the governing assemblage said.

"The AFL Integrity Department volition look into the substance erstwhile much accusation is obtained, until past the AFL is not successful a presumption to marque remark astatine this stage."

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