Another basketball star cut over anti-vax stance

2 years ago 244

A 2nd nonrecreational hoops subordinate successful arsenic galore days has exited Australia's NBL due to the fact that helium refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The Illawarra Hawks announced American import prima Travis Trice volition not instrumentality Down Under for the looming season.

Trice had signed a woody to play for the Hawks this year, but the 2 parties agreed to portion ways successful airy of the player's refusal.

The quality comes a time aft the New Zealand Breakers announced Tai Webster had been chopped from the squad arsenic a effect of his tendency to stay unvaccinated.

The NBL has not made COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory but clubs are present taking it upon themselves to guarantee the information of everyone other involved.

Travis Trice of USA. (NBAE via Getty Images)

"We afloat respect Travis' views and state of prime successful regards to the vaccine, but being unvaccinated was going to effect successful galore challenges, particularly arsenic we are inactive firmly successful the midst of the pandemic," Hawks president Dorry Kordahi said.

"We privation Travis each the best, but person instantly turned our attraction to a replacement. We are presently exploring a fig of viable options and we anticipation to person immoderate bully quality successful the coming weeks for our members and fans."

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Trice besides spoke connected the news.

"Sadly, I won't beryllium suiting up successful a Hawks azygous this season," Trice said.

"The determination was made successful the champion interests of some parties, and I privation the Hawks each the champion for the upcoming season."

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