Aussies' incredible ODI streak continues

2 years ago 233

Australia's women opened the location summertime cricket play successful emphatic manner by belting India by 9 wickets successful the planetary bid opener successful Mackay connected Tuesday.

The triumph was, incredibly, the Aussies' 25th consecutive ODI win, continuing their dominance successful the 50-over game.

And a mates of the country's brightest up and coming cricket stars emerged successful the process.

Australia won the flip and opted to bowl, aft naming debutant Hannah Darlington alongside 18-year-old Darcie Brown.

Those 2 tore India apart, combining for six wickets. Brown took the archetypal of the lucifer and past the teen took 3 much to grounds awesome figures of 4-33, portion Darlington finished 2-39.

Georgia Wareham of Australia celebrates with Alyssa Healy aft catching retired Deepti Sharma of India. (Getty)

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That young brace stood up aft a mediocre commencement by experienced campaigner Ellyse Perry.

India saw retired the 50 overs and finished 8-225.

It was a tricky people for the Aussies but they managed it with ease, dropping lone 1 wicket connected their mode to a resounding victory.

Alyssa Healy passed 2000 vocation ODI runs connected her mode to 77 disconnected 77 balls. Rachael Haynes finished connected 93 from 100 balls and skipper Meg Lanning connected 53 from 69 erstwhile the winning runs were hit.

The lucifer is the archetypal of 7 successful a multi-format bid against India. The 2nd ODI is connected Friday, again successful Mackay.

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