Australia destroyed by England's 'brutal genius'

2 years ago 224

Jos Buttler was adjacent his brutal champion arsenic England thrashed aged rival Australia by 8 wickets with 50 balls to spare astatine the T20 cricket World Cup this morning.

Buttler smashed 71 not retired from 32 balls with 5 thumping sixes and 5 fours arsenic England's batters rapidly finished disconnected what their bowlers had started by knocking the Aussies implicit for 125.

Buttler dismantled a vaunted Australian bowling attack, punishing some speedy bowlers and spinners - and scattering the assemblage with immense hits into the apical tiers of the stadium - arsenic England powered location successful Dubai by making 2-126 successful 11.4 overs.

"A pleasance to ticker genius astatine work," England teammate Liam Livingstone said of Buttler.

"He's the champion hitter of a achromatic shot successful the world. A session of achromatic shot hitting."

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Jos Buttler of England plays a changeable arsenic Matthew Wade of Australia looks on. (Getty)

It was a objective mode besides for Eoin Morgan's England to instrumentality the outright pb of radical 1 and re-emphasise its presumption arsenic 1 of the favourites for the title.

Openers Buttler and Jason Roy enactment connected a accelerated 66 to commencement England's chase.

Jonny Bairstow was with Buttler to decorativeness it off, and besides didn't bent astir by launching 2 sixes successful his 16 not retired from 11 balls.

England mislaid Roy for 22 and Dawid Malan for 8 and hardly noticed.

England's bowlers, with Chris Jordan starring with 3-17, raced done Australia's batting lineup astatine the start, with the Australians sliding to 4-21 successful 6.1 overs.

Steve Smith of Australia reacts. (ICC via Getty Images)

Australia rallied to spot retired its afloat 20 overs, but lone conscionable with Mitchell Starc the past antheral retired disconnected the last shot of the innings.

Jordan was 1 of 3 England seamers to subdue the Australian batters, with Chris Woakes taking 2-23 and Tymal Mills 2-45.

Australia's apical bid fell isolated successful the archetypal 4 overs aft being enactment successful to bat, with David Warner (one), Steve Smith (one) and Glenn Maxwell (six) each backmost successful the dressing room.

Australia was 5-51 earlier Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins and Starc swung the bat and connected for 5 sixes betwixt them to springiness themselves astatine slightest thing to vessel at.

But it wasn't astir capable and England, with broad wins implicit West Indies, Bangladesh and present Australia, appears headed for the knockout stages.

Jos Buttler of England avoids the fielding of Steve Smith of Australia. (ICC via Getty Images)

Maybe determination volition besides beryllium a accidental to enactment close a bosom wrenching nonaccomplishment to the West Indies successful the last of the past T20 World Cup successful 2016.

"The situation for america is adapting to conditions distant from home," England skipper Morgan said.

"We did that truly good successful the archetypal 2 games past a large trial against a truly beardown Australian side.

"They are each hard (games), we dainty everyone with the aforesaid respect."

Australia, which belied its shaky caller signifier by winning its opening 2 games, are tied with South Africa for 2nd spot successful radical 1 but down the South Africans connected tally rate.

Jos Buttler of England celebrates his fractional century. (Getty)

The hammering by England was Australia's heaviest nonaccomplishment successful presumption of wickets astatine a T20 World Cup.

South Africa bushed Sri Lanka earlier connected Saturday and lone the apical 2 teams from the radical volition scope the semifinals.

"We had to vessel them out, nary issues there, but Buttler played a hellhole of an innings," Australia skipper Aaron Finch said.

"We got disconnected to a mediocre start, but a mates of days disconnected to recharge and we'll particulate ourselves off."

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