Banned Latrell 'a body double' as Turbo magic looms

2 years ago 239

South Sydney are seeing banned superstar Latrell Mitchell arsenic a Tom Trbojevic clone arsenic they zero successful connected a preliminary clash with Manly connected Friday night.

Some of Mitchell's teammates person revealed the weapon Rabbitohs fullback is acting arsenic Trbojevic connected the grooming deck, arsenic Wayne Bennett's men hole to nullify the Dally M Medal favourite astatine Lang Park.

Rabbitohs hooker Damien Cook has fixed an penetration into the relation Mitchell has played as, successful the words of Nine sports presenter Cameron Williams, "a assemblage double".

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South Sydney's Latrell Mitchell during training. (Getty)

"We've got a young fullback present who's not excessively atrocious and has a spot of escaped clip connected his hands astatine the infinitesimal successful Latrell," Cook laughed.

"He's been rather a fistful astatine grooming but that's what we want. This is wherever the different players successful the squad go truthful important."

Rabbitohs back-rower Cameron Murray has recovered a affirmative successful Mitchell's six-game suspension, dealt retired by the lucifer reappraisal committee for a brutal changeable connected Roosters centre Joseph Manu successful August.

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"I conjecture the metallic lining of the concern that we're successful with Latrell is helium tin benignant of slot successful determination successful the reserves and beauteous accurately enactment arsenic the Tommy Turbo for us," Murray said.

Trbojevic and South Sydney five-eighth Cody Walker are some successful the moving for this year's Dally M Medal and Rugby League Players Association Players' Champion award, with the duo being revealed among the contenders for the prized idiosyncratic gongs.

Latrell clobbers Manu

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Walker is successful awe of the play Trbojevic has produced.

"He's had an outstanding twelvemonth this year," Walker said.

"Not galore teams person been palmy (against him).

"I don't deliberation you tin halt him; I accidental you conscionable person to bounds that possession game."

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