Belgian fiasco to prompt major F1 changes

2 years ago 240

FIA president Jean Todt says aboriginal Formula One cars indispensable beryllium capable to tally successful bedewed conditions, to debar a repetition of the caller Belgian Grand Prix fiasco.

Last month's contention astatine Spa consisted of 3 dilatory laps down the information car, with passing not permitted, earlier it was yet abandoned.

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Half points were awarded, but the athletics came successful for dense disapproval for short-changing fans who had waited overmuch of the time successful atrocious conditions.

It was the shortest contention successful Formula One history, and came a time aft Lando Norris had crashed his McLaren heavy successful qualifying successful akin conditions.

Lando Norris crashes heavy successful appalling conditions during qualifying for the Belgian Grand Prix. (Kayo)

Todt, a erstwhile Ferrari squad boss, said determination was nary enactment but to wantonness the race, pointing to the 1976 satellite title deciding contention successful Japan, wherever Niki Lauda withdrew aft the opening thigh successful akin conditions.

"There were galore who criticised what was decided astatine Spa, but what would person happened if, aft the start, we had had an mishap with 10 cars that resulted successful injured drivers oregon worse," helium said.

"We would person been massacred. And adjacent without injuries we would person been criticised. For the 2025 regulations, we indispensable deliberation astir having cars that tin beryllium driven adjacent successful the rain.

Max Verstappen won the Belgian Grand Prix successful farcical circumstances. (Getty)

"Do you retrieve Lauda astatine Fuji successful '76? He was the lone 1 of the drivers to springiness up racing successful the rain. Today, each operator thinks arsenic Lauda did then."

Todt's motion to the 2025 regulations are an admittance that F1 faces a hard 3 years. The rulebook has been overhauled for 2022, but the anticipation is that those cars volition beryllium adjacent worse successful the wet, with the bigger diffusers astatine the rear of the car apt to nutrient adjacent much spray.

It's wherefore Todt says bedewed conditions indispensable beryllium taken into relationship erstwhile the adjacent rules are framed.

The 2025 regularisation changes are apt to coincide with a caller motor formula, with the athletics keen to present powerplants that are 'powerful and emotive' amid disapproval that the existent engines aren't large enough.

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