Blunder sees Cleary stripped of Churchill medal

2 years ago 214

The NRL hasn't been blessed with Penrith since their landmark expansive last win - but it seems the atrocious humor goes some ways.

Wide World of Sports has learned that the Panthers are acold from impressed that Nathan Cleary was stripped of the Clive Churchill medal conscionable moments aft receiving it - and astir a period later, inactive hasn't seen his prize for antheral of the lucifer successful the year's biggest game.

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Embarrassed NRL officials rapidly took the medal disconnected Cleary due to the fact that it was incorrectly engraved with the expansive last being played astatine ANZ Stadium successful Sydney - erstwhile successful information it was moved to Brisbane's Suncorp Stadium owed to COVID-19 fears weeks earlier.

"They promised that they would close it and instrumentality it ASAP and begged Nathan not to accidental thing astir it," a highly-placed Panthers root said.

Nathan Cleary of the Panthers is awarded the Clive Churchill Medal (Getty)

"We were good with it but it's been weeks and weeks and not truthful overmuch arsenic a connection from them.

"Nathan went to spot his grandma yesterday for the archetypal clip successful 4 months and people the archetypal happening she wanted to spot was the medal.

"She grew up successful the epoch of Churchill truthful it meant a batch to her - she was people disappointed.

"Hundreds of different radical person asked Nathan to spot the medal and helium conscionable had to accidental 'I don't person it'.

"Perhaps the NRL should beryllium fined for disrespecting Clive Churchill and his household by engraving the medal incorrectly and past making the victor hold (with nary explanation) a period (and counting) to really person what helium earned?"

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Backstories and controversies down each the Clive Churchill Medal winners of the NRL era

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