Bombshell Tigers U-turn saves Maguire's job

2 years ago 248

In a stunning crook of events, the Wests Tigers person confirmed Michael Maguire volition manager the squad successful 2022.

It follows a farcical play where it appeared helium would beryllium axed, contempt having 2 years remaining connected his contract.

The nine conducted an end-of-season review, aft a disappointing 2021 that saw the Tigers decorativeness successful 13th spot with conscionable 8 wins from 24 matches, the 10th consecutive twelvemonth they've missed the finals.

Speculation astir Maguire's aboriginal reached fever transportation after a fearfulness 38-0 loss to last-placed Canterbury successful Round 25.

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"While we ever understood this reappraisal and process would instrumentality time, it was the work of the shot committee to guarantee each accusation was considered to marque the close decisions for the nine moving forward," said Tigers brag Justin Pascoe. 

"Michael has been with the nine implicit arguably its astir challenging clip with the COVID-19 pandemic, has overseen important alteration some connected and disconnected the tract passim his tenure and, connected behalf of each astatine Wests Tigers, I'd similar to convey him for his effort truthful far.

Wests Tigers manager Michael Maguire. (NRL Imagery)

Maguire, who won a premiership with Souths successful 2014, joined the Tigers astatine the commencement of the 2019 season. In his 3 seasons successful charge, he's won 26 of 68 matches.

Despite the mediocre returns of his archetypal 2 seasons, successful precocious 2020 Maguire's declaration was extended done to the extremity of the 2023 season.

"We are firmly committed to gathering a precocious performing club," Pascoe said.

"With our beardown fiscal position, accrued concern and caller occurrence of our pathways teams, the caller Centre of Excellence and continued enactment connected a South West academy, the accomplishment of Tim Sheens and his acquisition successful NRL systems, this nine is poised to reap the rewards of respective years of hard work.  

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"We judge that done Michael's immense acquisition and by continuing to situation the mode we operate, we volition proceed to thrust the precocious standards and behaviours needed to guarantee we execute our goals arsenic a club."


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