Cam Smith fumes at 'crazy' Dally M error

2 years ago 243

NRL large Cameron Smith has blasted the accidental snubbing of Justin Olam from the Dally M Awards, arsenic good arsenic the lack of immoderate Melbourne players successful the moving for the game's apical prize.

Fans were near stunned aft the prima centre was snubbed for a Dally M Centre of the Year nomination, and an administrative mistake saw him not invited to the grant ceremony.

Smith, who won a premiership with Olam past year, was flabbergasted.

"I judge he's been the champion centre successful the contention this year, and I've heard a batch of radical accidental that," Smith said connected SEN radio.

Cameron Smith astatine the 2017 Dally M awards, wherever helium won the apical prize. (Wolter Peeters)

"You cognize what I'd beryllium doing if I was Justin Olam? I'd beryllium telling the shot manager, Frank Ponissi, to enactment a telephone telephone done to the NRL and I'd beryllium saying 'am I winning? Am I going to beryllium receiving anything? I privation a heads up present delight due to the fact that I'm hopefully going to beryllium preparing for a expansive final', and if the answer's nary you're not winning, I'd conscionable politely garbage to go.

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"It's conscionable brainsick - however bash you expect to get snubbed that mode and they conscionable expect you to crook up?"

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It wasn't the lone Storm-related contented Smith had with the grant ceremony, besides expressing his disorder astatine however nary Melbourne subordinate was placed successful the apical 5 vote-getters for the season.

"It's hard to believe, due to the fact that the Melbourne Storm person lone mislaid 3 matches each year. When you're winning matches, that means you should person one, 2 players astatine the precise slightest taking points," helium said.

"There's a full heap of matches determination wherever players similar I'm reasoning disconnected the apical of my caput similar Jahrome Hughes, Brandon Smith and adjacent Nicho Hynes - erstwhile they're winning matches, shouldn't they beryllium picking up threes and twos?"

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The apical 5 were confirmed earlier successful the week arsenic Manly's Tom Trbojevic and Daly Cherry-Evans, South Sydney five-eighth Cody Walker, Penrith halfback Nathan Cleary, and Roosters fullback James Tedesco.

Smith said it was particularly egregious for the insignificant premiers to not person immoderate practice connected the shortlist fixed the team's results passim the year.

"Particularly connected that streak. They won 19 games successful a row, surely you've got to fig successful the apical five?

"We're not saying that a Melbourne Storm subordinate should beryllium winning the Dally M this year, but I'd similar to deliberation that astatine slightest 1 of those players we mentioned should beryllium successful the apical five."

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