Clarkson reveals reason for Carlton rejections

2 years ago 245

Alastair Clarkson has rejected a Carlton attack to beryllium the club's manager for a 3rd time, contempt a caller speech with newly-appointed club CEO Brian Cook.

Despite Clarkson's duplicate rejections, the assignment of the high-profile Cook, who oversaw 3 premiership sides successful Geelong, led to renewed anticipation that the four-time premiership-winner would turn connected his decision.

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However, Clarkson told Cook during a speech implicit the play that his prerogative was to instrumentality a twelvemonth disconnected from the coaching country successful 2022.

The 53-year-old opened up connected his thought process during an interrogation with Fox Footy's AFL360.

"I spoke to Cooky connected the play and I appreciated the telephone enormously," helium said.

Clarkson says helium needs a 'spell' from coaching successful 2022 aft a marathon tally with Hawthorn (Getty)

"I'm respectful of the process that they're going through, but I'm sticking to what I said six oregon 8 weeks ago, that I request a spell.

"I've lone got 2 gears - level retired oregon stop, and I'm not acceptable to spell level retired again close now."

Despite rejecting the nine connected 3 abstracted occasions, Clarkson admitted that determination was inactive prestige progressive successful the Carlton coaching role.

"I couldn't respect 2 clubs greater than Collingwood and Carlton," helium said.

"The lure to manager those clubs is sitting determination close determination successful beforehand of your face, bash you privation to enactment your manus up to spot whether you'd beryllium selected to manager those sides, but I wasn't beardown capable to overpower it successful presumption of what my household and I request close now, and that's a 12-month spell.

Clarkson has informed newly-appointed Carlton CEO Brian Cook of his determination to beryllium retired for 12 months (Getty)

"In that 12 months, I mightiness find retired that I can't recharge the batteries and I don't privation to spell again, oregon astir apt it's successful my DNA to privation to manager again astatine the extremity of adjacent twelvemonth oregon the twelvemonth after.

"It's much apt that I'm going to get to July oregon August adjacent twelvemonth and I can't hold to get backmost into it again.

"I've been mindful that I don't privation to backflip again, there's an constituent of spot of looking radical successful the oculus and saying this is the intention.

"Both [Collingwood and Carlton] close astatine the contiguous clip it's like, 'Well, wherefore would you privation to manager them?', that's the crushed you would privation to manager them. That's the attraction, it's similar ideate getting ahold of those sides.

With Clarkson officially turning down the Blues job, Port Adelaide adjunct Michael Voss is present the favourite (Getty)

"Craig McRae has got 1 and who knows who's going to instrumentality the other, but it's an breathtaking opportunity.

"The lure of doing that is significant, but not beardown capable to overpower what our reasoning was successful presumption of the household and our friends astatine this constituent successful time."

Clarkson's latest rejection of Carlton puts Michael Voss successful the container spot to beryllium unveiled arsenic the Blues' adjacent elder coach.

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After interviewing for the relation successful 2019, erstwhile helium was overlooked for the since-sacked David Teague, Voss again enactment his chapeau successful the ringing for the coveted role.

Voss coached the Brisbane Lions for six seasons earlier his declaration was not renewed astatine the extremity of the 2013 play and has been an adjunct astatine Port Adelaide since 2014.

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