Cracks emerging at Geelong after finals exit

2 years ago 240

Matthew Lloyd has urged Geelong to see whether Chris Scott is the close antheral to regenerate its side, saying the existent harvest of stars person "missed their time" to win.

Despite different off-season of topping up its database with ageing veterans, Geelong fell good abbreviated of its extremity of winning a premiership aft being humiliated by Melbourne successful the preliminary final.

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The nonaccomplishment has near the Cats heading into what looks to beryllium transitional off-season, with incoming CEO Steve Hocking having already "ruffled immoderate feathers", according to The Age's AFL reporter, Caroline Wilson.

Wilson stated that the nine had been faced with a "crossroads situation" connected what to bash with Scott's future, with the 45-year-old heading into the last twelvemonth of his woody successful 2022.

Geelong whitethorn person a caller captain-coach operation adjacent play if the inclination of changes continues (Getty)

According to Wilson, determination was "dissention" betwixt Scott and his assistants arsenic the 2011 premiership-winning manager clashed with 2 players-turned-coaches, Matthew Scarlett and Corey Enright.

Enright has already near the nine on with chap adjunct Matthew Knights, and determination are increasing doubts surrounding Scarlett's aboriginal astatine the club.

With truthful galore of Geelong's mainstays moving on, Lloyd said the nine needed to look the harsh information that it whitethorn person to portion ways with Scott himself.

"I conscionable wonderment whether a alteration for Chris and a alteration for Geelong could beryllium a bully happening successful 12 months' time," helium told Nine's Footy Classified.

Scott reportedly fell retired with adjunct manager Corey Enright, who has already near Geelong to articulation St Kilda's unit (Getty)

"He has to commencement each implicit again ... with regenerating kids. This is simply a 4 oregon five-year process for maine for the adjacent manager astatine Geelong, whether it's Chris oregon idiosyncratic else.

"They've missed their time, truthful that's wherever it's a immense decision."

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Scott has besides been linked with the Carlton coaching job, peculiarly aft the nine unveiled erstwhile Geelong CEO Brian Cook arsenic its caller CEO, replacing Cain Liddle.

Despite the club's well-documented tendency to onshore a seasoned coach, it has truthful acold struck retired connected its 2 starring candidates: Alastair Clarkson and Ross Lyon, leaving Scott arsenic the adjacent imaginable big-name target.

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