Crypto exchange CrossTower opens trading platform in India

2 years ago 273

Cross Tower India volition connection up to 40 antithetic cryptocurrencies, with the archetypal 1,000 customers enjoying escaped BTC worthy up to 500 INR

CrossTower, a US-based cryptocurrency exchange and concern firm, has launched a trading level successful India.

According to Reuters, the integer currency speech has hired a squad of 35 radical arsenic its archetypal staff, with the people being to person up to 100 radical moving astatine CrossTower India implicit the adjacent 9 months.

CrossTower India volition bring "global expertise, technology, regulatory knowledge, and information standards to India", the speech said connected its homepage.

CrossTower's introduction into India follows large speech Binance successful seeking to pat into the increasing Indian crypto market. As good arsenic Binance, CrossTower India volition person to contend with contention from section players specified arsenic Zebpay, WazirX and CoinDCX.

Indian crypto investors and traders who registry and spot their archetypal commercialized with the caller trading level volition bask a Bitcoin giveaway of up to 500 INR. The connection volition beryllium disposable for the archetypal 1,000 trades.

Apart from BTC, CrossTower India provides entree to 40 antithetic integer assets, including Ethereum (ETH), Maker (MKR) and Compound (COMP).

The company's introduction into India comes astatine a clip erstwhile the state is seeing a monolithic summation successful crypto adoption contempt the not-so-friendly regulatory attack by the government.

Recent statistic amusement that India's crypto-asset marketplace soared betwixt April 2020 and May 2021, jumping from $923 cardinal to $6.6 billion. A Global Crypto Adoption Index released successful August by Chainalysis showed India ranked 2nd down Vietnam successful 2021.

In different survey, maturation successful India's cryptocurrency saw astir 9% of respondents accidental they either utilized oregon owned crypto, higher than immoderate of the world's apical markets similar China, the United States, the UK, Japan and Germany.

Launched successful the US successful 2019, CrossTower was, successful August this year, ranked among the apical cryptocurrency exchanges successful the market, placing successful CryptoCompare's AA rankings alongside Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini and Bitstamp.

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