Curry's ridiculous shooting stuns NBA world

2 years ago 217

Stephen Curry waved to admit the adoring fans arsenic changeable aft changeable dropped done the nett and screamed successful solemnisation — nary trash astir it.

Curry deed a go-ahead 3-pointer with 56.8 seconds remaining to travel up a 30-footer little than a infinitesimal earlier, and helium relished each spot of his 45-point location opener that lifted the Golden State Warriors implicit the Los Angeles Clippers 115-113 connected Thursday night.

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The reigning NBA scoring champion adjacent secured a cardinal rebound with 36 seconds near earlier calmly converting a brace of escaped throws with little than 5 seconds left, scoring 8 points implicit the last 1:54.

Fans cheered Curry good aft the crippled ended until helium yet disappeared down the tunnel.

“Steph Curry was conscionable Steph Curry, there's ne'er been anybody similar him,” manager Steve Kerr said. “Those past 2 3s were ridiculous. ... I'm inactive blown away.”

Curry was connected a satellite of his ain during a scintillating 45-point, 10-rebound show (Getty)

Chants of “MVP!” began precocious successful the archetypal quarter, and by the clip the buzzer sounded to decorativeness the archetypal period, Curry already had topped his full from 2 nights earlier with 25 points connected 9-of-9 shooting and 5 3-pointers arsenic Golden State built a 44-27 lead.

Curry coiled up 16 of 25 from the level and 8 for 13 from heavy with 10 rebounds.

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On Tuesday, the two-time MVP changeable conscionable 5 for 21 — making 2 of 8 three-point shots — connected the mode to 21 points successful a season-opening roadworthy triumph astatine the Lakers connected Tuesday nighttime successful a show that helium called “trash."

“You cognize Steph, erstwhile helium has a mediocre shooting night, he’s ever coming backmost strong,” Kerr said.

Damion Lee deed a go-ahead 3-pointer with 5:55 remaining and scored 11 points disconnected the seat portion Andrew Wiggins added 17 points and six rebounds.

Paul George finished with 29 points, including 22 successful the archetypal half, but it wasn't capable to present the Clippers a comeback triumph (Getty)

Paul George had 29 points, 11 rebounds and six assists successful the Clippers’ play opener, and Eric Bledsoe scored 22 points. Los Angeles fought backmost from a 19-point shortage successful the 2nd 4th to instrumentality a 67-66 pb into halftime portion capitalizing connected Warriors' turnovers.

The 33-year-old Curry, who earlier successful the time was named 1 of the apical 75 NBA players of each time, dazzled successful the archetypal location crippled of his 13th NBA play aft taking the mic earlier tipoff and thanking the fans for their enactment and patience done the coronavirus pandemic and welcoming them backmost to Chase Center.

He returned with 7:43 near successful the second, made different jumper and yet missed a 3-point effort astatine the 4:55 mark.

"This is going to beryllium a great, large play backmost successful Chase Center," Curry told the assemblage earlier tipoff, adding, “Can't hold to invited Klay Thompson back.”

Draymond Green exited successful the 3rd and headed to the locker country with a close wrist wounded having missed six of 7 escaped throws but aboriginal returned.

“He responded beautifully,” Kerr said.

This is simply a caller opening of sorts for the Warriors, who mislaid successful the play-in crippled to Memphis, fixed they yet person fans backmost astatine the commencement of a season. The sellout assemblage marked the archetypal regular-season crippled astatine afloat capableness since March 2020.

“Two years agone was specified a bizarre play with each the injuries and the brand-new venue. It did look strange,” Kerr said. “Last twelvemonth the full satellite was strange. It does consciousness similar a caller start.”

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