Fergo officially unemployed as Eels cut four players

2 years ago 237

Parramatta has confirmed the exit of seasoned winger Blake Ferguson, arsenic the 31-year-old's shot aboriginal remains up successful the air.

Ferguson was 1 of 4 players officially farewelled by the nine connected Wednesday. The others are Joey Lussick, Michael Oldfield and Sam Hughes.

Ferguson was the prima of the amusement arsenic the Eels bushed Newcastle successful the archetypal week of finals, but past they were bundled retired by Penrith successful week 2 to people his past crippled successful the bluish and gold.

He is yet to perpetrate to different nine and truthful helium volition beryllium officially unemployed arsenic of November 1 if helium doesn't onshore different occupation successful the meantime.

He's been heavy linked to rugby union, and past week spoke astir his options.

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"I'm astatine that constituent successful my vocation wherever I'm looking for opportunities. I haven't made a determination arsenic of yet," Ferguson told Triple M.

"Rugby is thing that I bash privation to try, I played it arsenic a schoolkid and hopefully 1 time I tin play rugby, but we'll spot what happens.

"It would beryllium bully to effort and power codes and effort and make a bequest successful that arena."

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