Historic switch for Bathurst 1000 confirmed

2 years ago 216

The 2021 Bathurst 1000 docket has been locked in, with the main contention to beryllium held successful the day for the archetypal clip ever.

This year's contention volition commence astatine 12:15pm AEDT connected Sunday, December 5, with Triple Eight's Shane van Gisbergen and Garth Tander looking to spell back-to-back.

READ MORE: Former champion dumped from squad up of Bathurst 1000

The caller commencement clip surpasses the erstwhile latest commencement clip of 11:30am successful 2019, making it the latest commencement clip successful the race's 59-year history.

Between 1979 and 2006 the contention commenced astatine 10:00am section clip earlier being moved to 10:30am successful 2007.

Garth Tander and Shane van Gisbergen airs aft claiming the Bathurst 1000 rubric past twelvemonth (Getty)

The commencement clip was again moved to 11:00am successful 2015, earlier 3 consecutive yeras of 11:15am starts betwixt 2016 and 2018.

A blockbuster six-day festival of motorsport astatine Mount Panorama volition commence connected Tuesday November 30 erstwhile enactment categories deed the track, with enactment to spell consecutive done to the finale connected that Sunday.

Supercars volition commence their signifier league connected Thursday, December 2 earlier qualifying commences astatine 4:35pm section clip connected Friday, December 3.

That volition beryllium followed by the Top Ten Shootout astatine 5:05pm connected Saturday evening earlier the last contention connected Sunday.

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