How cricket match cost top rugby coach his job

2 years ago 209

John Mitchell was leaving the England rugby campy to ticker his Black Cap lad Daryl play for Middlesex connected his time off, erstwhile England rugby manager Eddie Jones told him to deliberation again.

Jones caught up with Mitchell arsenic helium was leaving camp, The Times reported.

Jones asked him wherever helium was going and Mitchell replied: "I'm going to the cricket."

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England manager Eddie Jones and adjunct John Mitchell. (Getty)

"No, you're not," Jones told him.

He had immoderate enactment for Mitchell, his No.2, to do.

Mitchell, 57, went to the cricket.

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Eddie Jones bats during a cricket lucifer against rugby writers astatine Old Deer Park. (Getty)

Soon after, his departure arsenic adjunct manager was announced.

On July 23, the RFU released a property connection saying Mitchell would permission his relation arsenic England's defence coach, aft the November series.

Mitchell, who coached the All Blacks from 2001 to 2003 and has a agelong coaching vocation worldwide, didn't hold that long.

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Eddie Jones meets a canine during an England grooming league astatine Pennyhill Park. (Getty)

Days later, helium had joined English nine Wasps arsenic adjunct coach.

In February, helium had signed a caller England declaration taking him done to the 2023 World Cup.

The Times rugby newsman Owen Slot relays the incident, arsenic portion of an extended probe into wherefore Australian Jones loses truthful galore of his staff.

Eddie Jones talks astatine a property league astatine Pennyhill Park successful Bagshot. (Getty)

England are connected to their 3rd defence manager successful the six years nether Jones.

In 4 years up to the 2019 World Cup, England had 5 antithetic sports psychologists.

Working for Jones is simply a relentlessly aggravated acquisition and Jones tin beryllium a brutal employer, Slot wrote.

England's Marland Yarde speaks to manager Eddie Jones. (Getty)

Kiwi-born England hooker Dylan Hartley recalled Marland Yarde arriving astatine England's Pennyhill base, "a spot bruised and battered" aft a nine game.

"Eddie greeted him with a agleam 'How are you feeling, mate?' and the speech rapidly went downhill. 'Oh, a spot tired.' 'F... off, mate.' 'What?' 'If you're tired, f... off. I don't privation bushed players here.' As you tin imagine, their cosy fireside chat echoed astir the halls wrong minutes."

Jones is said to shriek astatine players successful training, arsenic if helium wants them to drawback back, truthful helium tin determination them on, oregon conscionable grind them down to the constituent of them not wanting to beryllium there.

This nonfiction was primitively published connected and is reproduced with permission

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