Is Republic of Dogs the next Dogecoin? Where to buy ROD after 680% weekly profit

2 years ago 288

Dogecoin challenger Republic of Dogs (ROD) is up by 106% today, capping disconnected a near-700% emergence implicit the past week

Republic of Dogs has been registering gains steadily implicit the past week aft the token launched past Sunday. Up by 680% aft week one, Republic of Dogs is presently stealing the limelight from different dog-based coins specified arsenic Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Floki Inu. The meme token besides has a foundation facet to it, and the ROD website claims that funds volition beryllium donated to charities that provender and rescue dogs. 

If you missed the vessel for Dogecoin oregon Shiba Inu, you’ll privation to person a look astatine ROD—don’t hazard missing retired again! Read connected to find the champion spot to bargain Republic of Dogs.

How & wherever to bargain Republic of Dogs successful the UK and elsewhere

If you privation to bargain ROD tokens, you’ll request to motion up with a suitable broker oregon cryptocurrency exchange. We’ve shortlisted 2 of the astir reputable and reliable platforms for you, to assistance you put safely and easily. Sign up and verify your relationship to get started, past marque a deposit successful your section currency. Once your deposit has been received, you tin commencement investing successful the apical coins with nary delay. 


eToro is 1 of the world's starring multi-asset trading platforms offering immoderate of the lowest committee and interest rates successful the industry. It's societal transcript trading features marque it a large prime for those getting started.

Buy ROD with eToro today


NAGA is simply a unsocial societal trading level that allows users to entree world's astir fashionable cryptos, stocks and forex. Users tin automatically transcript the strategies of the champion traders connected the platform

Buy ROD with NAGA today

What is Republic of Dogs?

Republic of Dogs is simply a hybrid charity-meme coin that aims to some reward investors with tremendous profits and marque the satellite a amended spot by donating to canine charities. The coin taps into the proven quality of dogs to suck successful investment, pursuing successful the footsteps of tokens similar Shiba Inu and Dogecoin. 

Should I bargain ROD today?

These meme coins person a inclination to spell viral, spreading similar wildfire via societal media and connection of mouth. Early investors successful specified projects person been known to spot returns of respective 1000 per cent, and if ROD tin tribunal personage endorsements successful the mode of DOGE and SHIB, its viral quality could tally wild, taking the terms to the moon. 

This nonfiction is informational lone — nary of the contents should beryllium construed arsenic fiscal oregon concern advice. 

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