Kerr's super milestone ends in heartbreak

2 years ago 254

Superstar Sam Kerr's 100th crippled for the Matildas didn't spell to program this morning, with the Australians going down 3-2 to the Republic of Ireland astatine Tallaght Stadium.

In what was the archetypal gathering successful past betwixt some nations, the Irish were talented the imagination start.

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A Lucy Quinn free-kick deed the station earlier taking a deflection disconnected Australian goalkeeper Mackenzie Arnold for the opening extremity successful conscionable the archetypal 3 minutes of action.

It was ruled arsenic an own-goal by the Australian goalkeeper.

Mary Fowler of Australia celebrates with team-mate Sam Kerr, left, aft scoring her side's archetypal extremity during the women's planetary affable lucifer betwixt Republic of Ireland and Australia astatine Tallaght Stadium successful Dublin. (Photo By Stephen McCarthy/Sportsfile via Getty Images) (Getty)

The Matildas deed backmost done young prima Mary Fowler, who knocked done a rocketing onslaught astatine the apical of the container earlier Denise O'Sullivan reclaimed the pb for Ireland.

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In the shadows of half-time, 18-year-old Fowler notched her 2nd extremity for the Matildas, which came courtesy of a large deflection to bushed the keeper.

Then little than 5 minutes into the 2nd half, Quinn headed disconnected a country to springiness Ireland backmost the lead.

Australia Commonwealth Bank Matildas' Clare Wheeler dejected aft the crippled astatine Tallaght Stadium connected September 21, 2021 successful Tallaght, Ireland. (Photo by Oisin Keniry/Getty Images) (Getty)

The triumph for the Irish ended a fearfulness seven-game losing streak.

Meanwhile, the nonaccomplishment for the Matildas volition beryllium a hard 1 for the Australians to instrumentality in, considering they owned 71 per cent of possession and had 4 much shots connected target.

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