Kewell sacked after just seven matches in charge

2 years ago 281

Australian shot large Harry Kewell has been axed by English nine Barnet aft conscionable 7 games arsenic coach.

The 42-year-old was lone appointed to the relation successful June, having been sacked from his relation with Oldham 3 months earlier.

Barnet has had a fearfulness commencement to the play successful the 5th tier competition, sitting 22nd retired of 23 teams, having mislaid 5 and drawn 2 of its 7 matches.

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"It was wide however overmuch Harry Kewell wanted to person a affirmative impact, but yet the results and the mediocre commencement to the play person dictated our decision," said the club's caput of football, Dean Brennan.

"The program for this play was for Barnet FC to beryllium challenging successful the apical fractional of the array and that is inactive precise overmuch our aim."

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Harry Kewell has been axed by Barnet aft conscionable 7 games successful charge. (Getty)

It's been a miserable tally for Barnet, who finished 22nd past twelvemonth with conscionable 8 wins from 42 matches, lone saved from relegation by the abandonment of the National League owed to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kewell is the 4th manager to depart the nine successful the past 14 months, with Darren Currie resigning past August, Peter Beadle sacked successful December, and Tim Flowers sacked successful March.

Only a week agone Kewell was hopeful of getting the nine backmost connected track.

"It is tough, it's amusive and yes, we haven't got disconnected to the top of starts, but we're down with astir 9 injuries astatine the infinitesimal truthful it's a small spot unlucky," helium told Optus Sport.

"But we're dilatory getting them backmost and hopefully we tin commencement to advancement that small spot more."

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