Maguire breaks silence on Tigers coaching fiasco

2 years ago 272

Wests Tigers manager Michael Maguire says helium has nary issues moving with Tim Sheens, arsenic the nine looks to enactment the chaos of caller weeks down them.

The Tigers yesterday confirmed Maguire would proceed arsenic manager successful 2022, contempt speculation helium was to person been axed astatine a committee meeting connected Monday night.

Sheens, who guided the nine to their lone premiership, successful 2005, has already been shifted from his relation arsenic caput of shot show to instrumentality up a presumption arsenic coaching director, overseeing Maguire, himself a premiership-winning coach.

In a connection issued today, Maguire said he's looking guardant to the 2022 season.

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"After each the speculation, I'm pleased to determination guardant with the Wests Tigers," helium said.

"A batch has been said publicly. I privation for this connection to enactment an extremity to the nationalist play of introspection and a instrumentality to the quiescent enactment of crafting a winning team.

West Tigers manager Michael Maguire. (Getty)

"I'm blessed to support moving with each subordinate of the organisation connected our imaginativeness to crook astir the fortunes of this arrogant club. My content ne'er wavered that successful the fullness of clip the nine volition beryllium a rugby league force."

Maguire, whose declaration was extended past twelvemonth done until the extremity of the 2023 season, has won conscionable 26 of 68 matches since helium joined the nine astatine the commencement of 2019.

The nine has missed the finals for the past 10 seasons.

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Initially lumbered with an uncompetitive roster, that excuse won't lavation moving forward, with Maguire having had 3 seasons to signifier the squad to his liking.

"Our recruitment argumentation won't deviate – we volition look to bring players successful that complement our squad and wage headdress position," helium said.

"We privation players to articulation our nine that person the passionateness to assistance the nine instrumentality to its winnings ways, on with our juniors increasing a stronger foundation. I'm looking guardant to moving with Tim to physique a beardown and sustainable roster."

The nine said yesterday it had besides made a fig of structural and procedural changes wrong the shot department, successful an effort to amended results, though the connection did not spell into specifics.

Tim Sheens has been appointed to a caller relation astatine the Wests Tigers (Getty)

"As a coach, self-improvement is ever a way that I americium bare for. The crippled evolves, our competitors evolve, we request to instrumentality the squad to a higher level each day, due to the fact that that's what it takes to vie astatine a apical 4 level each the time," Maguire explained.

"You request to continually enactment yourself into that abstraction to play and triumph a expansive final. That's what I'm focusing on.

"I'd similar to convey everyone that's fixed maine enactment passim this period. I'm looking guardant to November 1, commencement of preseason, erstwhile I get each my players backmost on with immoderate caller faces. In the meantime, I'm going to bask immoderate prime clip with my family, spot you each successful 6 weeks."

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