McLaren boss' ominous warning for Ricciardo

2 years ago 234

McLaren brag Andreas Seidl has delivered an ominous informing for Daniel Ricciardo, conscionable a week aft the Australian led location teammate Lando Norris successful a 1-2 decorativeness at the Italian Grand Prix.

The effect ended a nine-year drought for McLaren, who hadn't won a contention since 2012, and hadn't scored a 1-2 since 2010.

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It saw the squad jump up of Ferrari into 3rd place successful the constructors' championship, portion it gave Ricciardo his archetypal podium decorativeness of the year.

But it besides came conscionable a week aft a miserable Dutch Grand Prix, which saw Norris way location successful 10th, 1 spot up of the Australian, with some cars lapped by contention victor Max Verstappen.

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It's wherefore Seidl isn't getting carried distant with the Monza result.

"What I respect, looking astatine Mercedes and Red Bull, is that they person a car that tin combat for the triumph each azygous weekend," helium said.

"That is the spread we person arsenic a squad compared to these guys, truthful I americium not excessively focused connected a 1-2 oregon whatever. In the extremity it is simply a sensational effect for us, but lone 7 days earlier we got destroyed successful Zandvoort successful presumption of performance.

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"That is the spread we inactive person to the apical teams with our car, and that is wherefore we person to support moving hard successful bid to support closing the spread successful each kinds of circuits."

While helium downplayed the value of the win, Seidl pointed retired it was a conscionable reward for the team, which has made dependable advancement successful caller years aft the catastrophe of their collaboration with Honda from 2015-2017.

Daniel Ricciardo celebrating his Italian Grand Prix victory. (Getty)

Norris, successful particular, has marked himself arsenic a aboriginal satellite champion with a drawstring of awesome results successful 2021, portion Ricciardo's triumph hopefully marks the turning constituent for the 32-year-old, who has struggled to accommodate to the car since joining the team.

"It is the champion information to support going," Seidl said. "I americium evidently precise blessed with what some drivers showed, and I americium precise blessed with Daniel making his steps since the summertime interruption and getting backmost to wherever helium wants to be, wherever we privation to person him.

"And this is successful summation to Lando, who is successful unbelievable signifier this twelvemonth and evidently that's the thrust that we privation to person and we request to person successful bid to combat for Ferrari, and successful bid to support going successful our travel towards the beforehand successful Formula 1 again."

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