Melbourne's incredible gesture for loyal fans

2 years ago 235

Premiers Melbourne person fixed their fans an amazingly generous acquisition successful designation of their continued enactment of the club.

All fans who were members of the nine for the past 2 years volition person their 2022 rank - valued astatine astir $500 - wholly free.

At a clip erstwhile clubs are struggling to marque ends meet, the nine has made the fantastic motion to their supporters successful designation of the pugnacious times they person had to endure.

The Storm person played a specified 5 games astatine location since COVID struck aboriginal past season - but astir fans person inactive stuck solid.

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The fans were told the bully quality successful an email from the nine yesterday.

"Melbourne Storm members person missed retired connected a batch during the 2020 and 2021 seasons," the nine said.

"Watching your squad astatine our home, AAMI Park. Two finals bid astatine home, our nine household days, unfastened grooming sessions and our large events.

"You person lone had the accidental to spot 5 matches unrecorded implicit the past 2 years but you've stuck by us. The purple service has grown to scope grounds rank numbers successful the look of COVID.

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"You person not lone shown your committedness by buying a rank each year, but you person engaged with the nine and our players successful grounds numbers crossed our societal and integer media channels and much than 20 cardinal radical person watched america play connected TV each week.

Isaac Lumelume of the Storm celebrates with squad mates aft scoring a effort during the NRL Qualifying Final betwixt the Melbourne Storm and the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles astatine Sunshine Coast Stadium connected September 10, 2021, successful Sunshine Coast, Australia. (Photo by Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images) (Getty)

"Our players work your messages of enactment each week and our coaches gully upon the passionateness of the Big V arsenic they hole for their adjacent game. Our unit person besides been doing each they tin to support you connected and springiness you the insights into what makes america each arrogant to beryllium a portion of the Storm Family.

"We couldn't beryllium the nine we are contiguous without your enactment – it has been overwhelming.

"That's wherefore adjacent year, we are pleased to denote your rank is connected america – your club, Melbourne Storm.

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"In designation of the committedness and enactment you person fixed america implicit these past 2 years, we wanted to springiness thing backmost to you.

"All 2020 and 2021 members who unrecorded successful Victoria and who had lucifer entree arsenic portion of the membership, volition get their 2022 rank free.

"On behalf of the Melbourne Storm board, executive, staff, and players, this is our mode of saying, acknowledgment – this one's connected us."

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