NFL star loses dad's ashes in touchdown celebration

2 years ago 235

While celebrating 1 of his 4 touchdowns yesterday during Green Bay's 35-17 triumph against, moving backmost Aaron Jones concisely mislaid the necklace helium wears with a small achromatic shot containing the ashes of his precocious father.

Jones caught 3 of superstar backmost Aaron Rodgers' 4 touchdown passes and rushed for a 4th score, and the Packers had a invited instrumentality to normal, dominating the 2nd fractional during their triumph implicit their part rival.

The 26-year-old became the archetypal Packers moving backmost to drawback 3 touchdown passes successful a crippled since Andy Uram against the Chicago Cardinals successful 1942. He had 17 carries for 67 yards and six catches for 48 yards.

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As for the missing necklace, helium confirmed aft the triumph that nine unit were retired looking for it astatine Lambeau Field, the location of the Packers.

Aaron Jones #33 of the Green Bay Packers scores a touchdown against the Detroit Lions during the 2nd fractional astatine Lambeau Field connected September 20, 2021 successful Green Bay, Wisconsin. (Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images) (Getty)

"I deliberation the grounds unit is astir to spell retired determination and look close now," Jones said.

"But if determination was immoderate spot to suffer it, that's wherever my dada would've wanted maine to suffer it, truthful I cognize he's smiling."

Jones' father, Alvin Jones Sr, died backmost successful April owed to COVID-19 complications.

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"My dad's ever taught maine arsenic a man, it's however you respond to adversity, however you respond is what makes a antheral really," Jones said. "I deliberation we came retired and did a large occupation of responding. We played well. We played astatine a precocious level."

Jones this greeting past revealed Green Bay's Head Athletic Trainer, Bryan 'Flea' Engel, successfully located the necklace.

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