Olympian replaces NRL convert at Brumbies

2 years ago 223

The Brumbies person replaced outgoing winger Solomone Kata with erstwhile Waratahs flyer Cam Clark for the 2022 Super Rugby Pacific season.

The Canberra nine allowed erstwhile NRL prima Kata a merchandise from his declaration truthful helium could enactment successful New Zealand for idiosyncratic reasons.

And Clark - an Olympic sevens subordinate from Rio 2016 - is an experienced and versatile replacement who is apt to spot plentifulness of game-time adjacent season.

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Cam Clark successful enactment astatine the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. (Getty)

The 28-year-old played 35 games for the Waratahs and was connected the books of the San Diego Legion successful Major League Rugby this year.

"We've watched Cam closely for a portion present and we're blessed he'll beryllium joining america for astatine slightest this season," Brumbies manager Dan McKellar said.

"He's a prime player, fantabulous carnal attributes and he's experienced which means he'll travel successful knowing what's expected astatine this level.

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"One happening we each noticed from his clip astatine the Waratahs was conscionable however hard helium plays the game, and aft a truly bully play playing in the US, we deliberation he'll travel into our programme and propulsion hard for a jersey."

Kata, meanwhile, departs aft scoring 5 tries successful his 15 games for the Brumbies.

"I privation to convey the Brumbies for granting maine this aboriginal release," Kata said.

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Solomone Kata of the Brumbies is tackled astatine GIO Stadium. (Getty)

"When I re-signed for adjacent season, I was truthful excited to travel backmost to Canberra and to proceed processing astatine the Brumbies but being successful Auckland with my family, and COVID question restrictions, I've had to marque immoderate hard choices to bash the champion happening for my young family.

"I've loved my clip astatine the Brumbies and I privation my teammates and everyone astatine the nine good for the future."

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