On Bannon's Show, Gaetz and Taylor Greene Redirect Jan. 6 Blame

2 years ago 259

Politics|On Bannon’s show, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene redirect blasted for the Capitol riot.


Stuart A. Thompson

Jan. 6, 2022, 12:18 p.m. ET

Jan. 6, 2022, 12:18 p.m. ET

Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz appeared connected  Steve Bannon’s podcast to sermon   the Capitol riot and its fallout.
Credit...T.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times

Around the aforesaid clip President Biden said erstwhile President Donald J. Trump encouraged the unit that took spot astatine the Capitol connected Jan. 6, immoderate of Mr. Trump’s astir salient supporters deflected blasted for the onslaught during an quality connected a unrecorded online show.

On the show, hosted by Stephen K. Bannon, 1 of Mr. Trump’s apical erstwhile advisers, Representatives Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene laid work connected Democrats, the Capitol Police, the national authorities and others.

The thought that radical different than Mr. Trump’s ain supporters were liable for the unit that time has go a fashionable conspiracy mentation among the acold right. There is no evidence that undercover agents oregon different outsiders played a relation successful the onslaught and information checkers person worked to debunk akin claims aired connected Fox News. The brace of lawmakers offered small grounds for their claims during the show.

Mr. Gaetz, a Florida Republican, repeated immoderate of the unfounded claims connected Thursday, including that the authorities and constabulary tried to acceptable up the protesters.

“We’re present to get to the information down Jan. 6, the national government’s ain engagement with it,” Mr. Gaetz said successful his hourlong interrogation connected “Bannon’s War Room.”

Mr. Gaetz said that if Republicans took power of Congress aft this year’s midterm elections, helium would instrumentality implicit the Jan. 6 committee investigating what happened, marque Ms. Greene the committee chair, and usage it to outline the relation national agencies played successful the attack.

Ms. Greene, a Georgia Republican, dismissed the thought that hundreds of arrests were meaningful and suggested looking into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s telephone records. She besides questioned the fig of Capitol Police contiguous that day.

Twitter permanently suspended Ms. Greene’s idiosyncratic account connected Sunday aft the institution said she repeatedly violated misinformation policies astir Covid-19. She addressed the prohibition connected the show, calling it “a nonstop attack” connected the government.

“I don’t privation to alarm anyone,” she said. “I deliberation that our state is already gone. I deliberation we’re post-Constitution, and I deliberation China is perfectly up of us.”

Mr. Bannon’s podcast has go a hub for right-wing thought aft the Jan. 6 raid connected the Capitol. It was flagged successful a Brookings Institution investigation for sharing much misinformation astir the predetermination than different apical governmental speech shows connected Apple Podcasts.

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