Panthers cop big penalty for dodgy stoppage

2 years ago 247

The NRL has travel down hard connected Penrith and a trainer that caused a arguable stoppage during the epic semi-final triumph implicit Parramatta connected Saturday.

The Eels were livid erstwhile the Panthers trainer stopped the game successful the last minutes to be to Mitch Kenny, who had injured his ankle successful backmost play.

Under the rules, a trainer is not allowed to archer a referee to halt play until helium has completed an on-field appraisal of the injured player.

The trainer instructed referee Ashley Klein to halt play earlier helium had adjacent made it to Kenny, who was lying connected the ground.

The NRL contiguous announced the trainer successful question has been suspended for the remainder of the season, and the nine has been fined $25,000.

The aforesaid trainer had been progressive successful a akin incidental earlier successful the year.

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"The breach announcement alleges the club's orangish trainer stopped play incorrectly successful the 76th infinitesimal of Saturday night's NRL last against the Parramatta Eels," an NRL connection said.

"The manual makes it wide that a caput trainer tin lone halt play aft making an archetypal appraisal that circumstances necessitate a doc to participate the tract of play.

"The NRL has besides issued a informing to the club's bluish trainer for his relation successful the stoppage.

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"The nine volition beryllium permitted to usage an alternate unit subordinate successful the orangish trainer relation for the remainder of the play to guarantee the payment of Panthers players."

The Panthers person 5 days to respond to the breach notice.

They are acceptable to take connected Melbourne successful Saturday afternoon's preliminary final.

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