Players to confront NRL over 'repeated failures'

2 years ago 233

NRL and NRLW players person formed caller advisory groups (PAGs) and program connected gathering with rugby league's governing bodies to array a fig of issues they privation addressed.

The 2 abstracted groups, on with the Rugby League Players Association, met past nighttime to thrash retired the biggest issues successful the nonrecreational crippled and signifier an docket to instrumentality to the NRL and Australian Rugby League Commission.

"Disappointingly this gathering comes against backdrop of repeated failures to hold connected cardinal matters with those astir impacted," an RLPA connection said.

"There is simply a agreed presumption among the subordinate groups, that the NRL medication enactment with the RLPA connected behalf of the players to guarantee determination is simply a genuine committedness regarding the players' corporate engagement successful aboriginal decisions."

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Top of the docket is the NRL's determination to postpone the 2021 NRLW season, which was reportedly made without immoderate consultation with players oregon Queensland Health.

The PGAs privation to instrumentality a corporate bargaining statement for pistillate players, "as rugby league remains the lone large athletics successful Australia without a women's CBA successful place".

They besides privation "contract security" for the NRLW players.

"The players person persevered done structures that were developed and implemented without due engagement from the commencement and were the ones who suffered arsenic a result," the RLPA said.

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The adjacent large contented connected the docket is the ARLC and NRL implementing and changing rules of the crippled mid-season oregon astatine abbreviated announcement and with nary consultation with players.

It comes aft ARLC president Peter V'landys controversially brought successful the six-again regularisation among others, and past oversaw a crackdown connected precocious interaction aft 9 rounds of the play had been played, which resulted successful a surge successful sin-bins and nonstop offs.

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The PGAs and RLPA besides privation the NRL to hide astir a caller connection to summation the maximum good it tin enforce connected misbehaving players from $50,000 to $130,000.

"It's not conscionable important for america arsenic players, I deliberation it's important for the game," Canberra prima and subordinate advocator Josh Hodgson told SEN's Mornings with Matty White.

"We are needed astatine the table. If you're going to sermon crippled decisions successful presumption of regularisation changes, however we're going to behaviour ourselves arsenic players connected and disconnected the field, judiciary issues, each things similar that, past I deliberation it's important you person the players' opinion, truthful erstwhile you marque the determination you person subordinate backing.

"It's not lone a bully happening due to the fact that you get subordinate buy-in but if that determination doesn't spell rather right, past it volition autumn connected america excessively truthful it's not conscionable the NRL each the time."

The players volition conscionable with the governing bodies tonight.

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