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FILE - Serbia's Novak Djokovic holds the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup aft defeating Russia's Daniil Medvedev successful the men's singles last astatine the Australian Open tennis title successful Melbourne, Australia, Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021.Djokovic has had his visa canceled and been denied introduction to Australia, Thursday, Jan. 6, 2022 and is acceptable to beryllium removed from the state aft spending the nighttime astatine the Melbourne airdrome arsenic officials refused to fto him participate the state for the Australian Open aft an evident visa mix-up.(AP Photo/Hamish Blair,File)

BRISBANE – Reaction from societal media and elsewhere to the Australian authorities denying No. 1-ranked Novak Djokovic introduction and the cancellation of his visa due to the fact that helium failed to conscionable the requirements for an exemption to COVID-19 vaccination rules:


“I told our Novak that the full of Serbia is with him and that our bodies are doing everything to spot that the harassment of the world’s champion tennis subordinate is brought to an extremity immediately.” — connection from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.


“Not the astir accustomed travel from Down Under” — Djokovic’s manager and 2001 Wimbledon champion Goran Ivanisevic, connected societal media during an overnight hold astatine the Melbourne airport.


“Just to beryllium crystal wide here. 2 abstracted aesculapian boards approved his exemption. And politicians are stopping it. Australia doesn’t merit to big a expansive slam.” -- two-time quarterfinalist Tennys Sandgren of the United States, who is not playing the Australian Open this twelvemonth due to the fact that of the vaccination requirement, connected Twitter.



“Mr. Djokovic’s visa has been cancelled. Rules are rules, particularly erstwhile it comes to our borders. No 1 is supra these rules. Our beardown borderline policies person been captious to Australia having 1 of the lowest decease rates successful the satellite from COVID, we are continuing to beryllium vigilant.” — Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, connected Twitter.


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