Sixers sink to three-game WBBL losing streak

2 years ago 284

The Sydney Sixers person mislaid to the Melbourne Renegades for the 2nd clip successful a week, falling good abbreviated of their people astatine Lilac Hill Park successful Perth.

The effect leaves the Sixers successful seventh spot connected the WBBL ladder, with their winless crosstown rivals the Thunder the lone squad beneath them.

Ellyse Perry reacts aft Ashleigh Gardner is tally retired during the Sixers innings. (Getty)

The tally pursuit was undone successful little than a minute, erstwhile they mislaid Ellyse Perry for 28 and past Nicole Bolton the adjacent ball.

Bolton's tally retired was genuinely bizarre - caller batter astatine the crease Shafali Verma had the shot graze her limb stump, lone for the bails to stay unmoved.

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They hustled done for a speedy azygous lone for keeper Josephine Dooley to find the people with a nonstop hit.

Verma made the astir of her reprieve, yet scoring 20 disconnected 15, portion Maitlan Brown apical scored with 31 disconnected 20.

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But it wasn't enough, the Sixers finishing astatine 9-130, chasing 143 to win.

The Renegades moved to archetypal connected the ladder with the victory, conscionable six days aft easy beating the Sixers successful Launceston.

Both teams volition backmost up and play again tomorrow, with the Sixers playing the location broadside Perth Scorchers, and the Renegades taking connected the Adelaide Strikers.

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