Son of Wallabies great picked in England squad

2 years ago 313

Eddie Jones has made his move, picking Louis Lynagh successful England's elder rugby squad for the archetypal time.

The 20-year-old Harlequins winger is the lad of Wallabies fable Michael and is eligible to play for England, Australia oregon commencement state Italy.

But with Rugby Australia sniffing astir pursuing immoderate prima turns successful the Premiership recently, England's Aussie manager Jones has selected Lynagh successful a 45 antheral squad for a grooming campy aboriginal this month.

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"I rang him up yesterday and said 'mate, you don't dependable similar an Australian'," Jones said.

"He said, 'I know, I person to enactment connected my Australian accent a bit!'

"I played against his begetter — his begetter was evidently a superb subordinate — and helium has got immoderate of those characteristics.

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Louis Lynagh of Harlequins celebrates with begetter Michael. (Getty)

"He has that spot astir his hips to thrust done tacklers.

"It's a bully accidental for him."

Lynagh was 1 of 8 uncapped players successful the squad and helium volition beryllium moving with erstwhile NRL manager Anthony Seibold during the 3 time camp.

Louis Lynagh of Harlequins scores a try. (Getty)

Speaking earlier Lynagh's selection, England's manager of show Conor O'Shea admitted helium was a formation risk.

"It is simply a information of life," O'Shea told the Daily Mail.

"If not, different countries wouldn't beryllium doing their jobs.

"If we bash our occupation properly, we get our pathway going.

'We volition inactive suffer players, yes, but much radical volition person an attachment unneurotic — they turn up successful small pockets, get bonds and experiences and that is rather hard to divided apart.

Eddie Jones talks astatine a property league astatine Pennyhill Park successful Bagshot. (Getty)

"There are immoderate players who volition person a parental power — whether it beryllium a parent from Treviso oregon begetter from Australia, who is simply a spot of a fable — but Louis has travel done the English strategy and it is large to spot idiosyncratic similar him bash good astatine Quins."

England are preparing for November Tests against Tonga, Australia and South Africa.

"This is an breathtaking squad made up of experienced players and young guys who did good successful the summertime and earned their spot again," Jones said.

"We person near retired immoderate experienced players but we're truly wide that the doorway isn't closed to them, and we're looking guardant to seeing them enactment hard to get backmost into contention.

"We person 5 campaigns present until the 2023 World Cup truthful each 1 counts, and this is simply a accidental for this 45 to impressment the caller coaching staff."

Michael and Tom Lynagh astatine Ballymore. (Queensland Rugby Union)

It's not each atrocious quality for Australian rugby.

The Reds person signed teenage playmaker Tom Lynagh - Louis' younger member - and helium hopes to correspond Australia.

Jones besides near immoderate precocious illustration stars retired of his squad successful Billy and Mako Vunipola, George Ford and Jamie George.

Elliot Daly is besides missing done injury.

Jones told the BBC that the omitted players needed to fig retired if they privation to beryllium progressive done to the 2023 Rugby World Cup

"It is not the extremity of the road," Jones said.

"It is an accidental for them to refresh, re-energise and refocus.

"We volition spot however they go."

England grooming squad

Forwards: Jamie Blamire (Newcastle), Callum Chick (Newcastle), Luke Cowan-Dickie (Exeter), Tom Curry (Sale), Trevor Davison (Newcastle), Alex Dombrandt (Harlequins), Charlie Ewels (Bath), Ellis Genge (Leicester), Joe Heyes (Leicester), Jonny Hill (Exeter), Ted Hill (Worcester), Maro Itoje (Saracens), Jack Kenningham (Harlequins), Courtney Lawes (Northampton), Lewis Ludlam (Northampton), Lewis Ludlow (Gloucester), Joe Marler (Harlequins), George Martin (Leicester), Beno Obano (Bath), Gabriel Oghre (Wasps), Sam Riley (Harlequins), Bevan Rodd (Sale), Sam Simmonds (Exeter), Kyle Sinckler (Bristol), Will Stuart (Bath), Sam Underhill (Bath)

Backs: Mark Atkinson (Gloucester), Owen Farrell (Saracens), George Furbank (Northampton), Ollie Lawrence (Worcester), Louis Lynagh (Harlequins), Max Malins (Saracens), Joe Marchant (Harlequins), Jonny May (Gloucester), Raffi Quirke (Sale), Adam Radwan (Newcastle), Harry Randall (Bristol), Dan Robson (Wasps,), Henry Slade (Exeter), Ollie Sleightholme (Northampton), Marcus Smith (Harlequins), Freddie Steward (Leicester), Manu Tuilagi (Sale), Anthony Watson (Bath), Ben Youngs (Leicester)

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