Star England bowler booed after despised act

2 years ago 245

England accelerated bowler Craig Overton has been booed aft an attempted Mankad during a region lucifer successful Birmingham.

Playing for Somerset against Warwickshire astatine Edgbaston, Overton appeared distracted each day, finishing with 0-57 arsenic Warwickshire made 4-283.

Early successful the time the accelerated bowler mislaid his temper aft attempting to cod the shot successful his travel done and propulsion astatine the striker's extremity stumps.

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After fumbling the ball, helium past had an airswing arsenic helium attempted to footwear it successful the absorption of batsman Will Rhodes.

Things went downhill successful the past league of the day, erstwhile Overton archetypal warned Matthew Lamb for backing up excessively acold astatine the non-strikers end, past attempted to Mankad Lamb.

Lamb would technically person been out, but Somerset skipper Tom Abell withdrew the appeal.

"At 1 signifier - but lone aft informing him antecedently - Overton appeared to person tally Lamb retired backing up," George Dobell wrote for ESPNcricinfo.

England accelerated bowler Craig Overton attempts to Mankad Warwickshire's Matthew Lamb. (Twitter)

"ESPNcricinfo understands that Somerset's captain, Abell, agreed to retreat the entreaty erstwhile the umpire, Steve O'Shaughnessy, questioned whether helium wanted it upheld.

"The occurrence resulted successful a small booing from the assemblage but Overton is the benignant of rival immoderate squad would privation connected their side."

Overton, who made his Test debut successful Adelaide during the 2017-18 Ashes series, has taken 17 wickets successful six Tests, on with 4 wickets successful arsenic galore ODIs.

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