Stunning finish to UFC title fight

2 years ago 282

Glover Teixeira has yet climbed to the apical of the upland successful the UFC, defeating Jan Blachowicz to go the airy heavyweight champion.

The Pole was a short-priced favourite to support his crown, but was stunned successful the 2nd circular via submission astatine the lawsuit successful Abu Dhabi.

Glover Teixeira goes for a instrumentality down connected Jan Blachowicz. (Getty)

At 42, Teixeira became the second-oldest antheral to ever assertion a UFC title, aft Randy Couture, who bushed Tim Sylvia for the heavyweight loop successful 2007, aged 43.

Earlier, New Zealand's Dan Hooker, warring for the 2nd clip successful a month, came up abbreviated against Russian Islam Makhachev, who submitted him successful the archetypal round.

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