Surprising twist in fight for Panthers star

2 years ago 250

Don't beryllium amazed if the Broncos participate the conflict to motion Panthers juggernaut Viliame Kikau.

Kikau is disconnected declaration successful 2023 - which means clubs tin commencement negotiating with him connected November 1.

The Cowboys and Dragons person already expressed involvement successful chatting with the 26-year-old line-breaking guardant - and Penrith cognize they whitethorn person to fto Kikau spell owed to wage headdress issues.

The Panthers person a big of bully young players they request to upgrade and volition conflict to lucifer Kikau's asking terms of implicit $800,000 a season.

Viliame Kikau could beryllium connected the determination successful 2023. (Getty)

Only yesterday, Panthers CEO Brian Fletcher said Kikau was adjacent to signing a caller deal - but I deliberation that is wishful reasoning and the towering second-rower volition trial the market.

I'm proceeding Brisbane are keen to person a ace astatine Kikau, believing they tin connection him the accidental to proceed to play finals footy - thing that is nary warrant astatine the Cowboys oregon Dragons.

The Broncos person the powerfulness and power - and quality to connection lucrative third-party deals - to marque a genuine play for Kikau.

After respective thin years, the Broncos are determined to again go an NRL powerhouse and snaring a subordinate with the onslaught powerfulness of Kikau would beryllium a monolithic measurement successful that direction.

Overseas rugby national clubs are besides believed to beryllium funny successful talking to the large forward.

Lifeline for Woods

Word astir clubland is that Aaron Woods won't beryllium getting the fairytale decorativeness to his vocation backmost astatine Wests Tigers.

A section inferior who played astir 150 games for the nine earlier stints astatine the Bulldogs and Sharks, Woods has been linked with a instrumentality to the Tigers for respective months.

Unwanted Sharks prop Aaron Woods. (Getty)

The 30-year-old erstwhile New South Wales and Australian prop isn't getting a caller woody astatine Cronulla and seemed a bully acceptable for the struggling Tigers.

But nine officials person decided against going backmost to the aboriginal successful 2022.

Woods isn't retired successful the cold, nevertheless - Manly are believed to beryllium funny successful giving the bearded prop a 1 twelvemonth deal.

Tug of warfare betwixt Sharks and Raiders

Cronulla and Canberra are warring a two-way conflict for elephantine young prop Tom Hazelton.

A 22-year-old from Goulburn, Hazelton has played the past mates of seasons for the Sharks' feeder nine Newtown.

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At 198 cm and 114 kilos, Hazelton is the perfect size for the modern time front-rower and was a standout successful the NSW Cup earlier COVID brought the contention to a halt.

The prop played a mates of archetypal people trials for the Sharks astatine the commencement of the twelvemonth and conscionable missed getting graded.

But present Canberra are showing interest, they whitethorn miss retired connected the large man.

Rookie divides manager and elder players

There was an absorbing concealed gathering past week betwixt a manager and 2 of his elder players.

The players asked the manager to seat 1 of the club's brightest young stars due to the fact that helium had been struggling for signifier aft a large commencement to the season.

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The manager didn't perceive - and went with the rookie - who again was lone mean successful the game.

Can anyone conjecture who helium is?

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