Test incumbent tons up in bid for Ashes nod

2 years ago 223

Enormous uncertainty surrounds the imaginable of Marcus Harris retaining his presumption arsenic David Warner's opening spouse for the archetypal Ashes Test, but a timely period has done the Victorian a immense favour.

Harris has compiled a precise diligent period connected time 3 of Victoria's Sheffield Shield fixture against NSW, scoring 137 from 361 balls astatine Sydney's Drummoyne Oval arsenic the visitors acceptable the hosts 339 to win.

However, a precise elemental catching accidental was grassed by NSW youngster Matthew Gilkes astatine gully erstwhile Harris was connected 66, with the left-hander trying to thrust done the covers but edging a Sean Abbott delivery.

Marcus Harris is 1 of Australia's incumbent Test openers, on with David Warner. (Getty)

Harris was yet dismissed erstwhile helium was caught by Nathan Lyon astatine heavy backward constituent disconnected the bowling of Abbott portion cutting a abbreviated ball.

Former Test batter Peter Handscomb besides punished the NSW bowling attack, garnering 115 from 292.

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Warner and Harris are Australia's incumbent opening batters, having combined astatine the apical of the bid against India astatine The Gabba successful January.

But Harris' shaky signifier successful the Test arena – helium averages conscionable 23.77 from 10 matches – and Will Pucovski's precocious endowment mean his spot successful Australia's XI is precise unstable.

Marcus Harris has bolstered his chances of Ashes enactment with a Sheffield Shield century. (Getty)

Captain Tim Paine revealed connected SEN vigor successful October that, if Pucovski hadn't suffered different concussion, he'd person "no doubt" the 23-year-old would unfastened with Warner successful the Ashes, portion besides stating that Harris was considered the adjacent antheral successful line.

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Usman Khawaja has re-emerged arsenic a contender to unfastened against England, thanks to consecutive Sheffield Shield centuries implicit the past fortnight.

Khawaja peels disconnected Sheffield Shield ton

Harris' Sheffield Shield ton against NSW included 8 fours and a six.

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The 29-year-old made respective centuries for Leicestershire successful English region cricket during this year's Australian winter.

The archetypal Test of the Ashes is scheduled to statesman connected December 8 astatine The Gabba.

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