The Latest: New Zealand's largest city to remain locked down

2 years ago 258

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland, volition stay successful the strictest benignant of lockdown until Sept. 21 aft the authorities connected Monday reported 33 caller COVID-19 infections.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said lockdown restrictions were moving to destruct the outbreak of the highly transmissible delta variant.

“We don’t privation to hazard the sacrifices everyone has made and each the hard enactment you’ve enactment successful by moving to Alert Level 3 excessively quickly,” Ardern said, referring to a relaxation of Auckland’s Alert Level 4 restrictions.

The remainder of New Zealand volition stay connected Alert Level 2 until adjacent week due to the fact that of the hazard of COVID-19 spreading from Auckland, she said.

“While determination is an outbreak successful Auckland that continues to nutrient cases, determination is risk,” Ardern said.

The federation since past period has been battling an outbreak that came from Australia. The outbreak had grown to 955 cases by Monday with 21 infected patients successful infirmary and 4 successful intensive care.


The authorities is pursuing an antithetic strategy of trying to destruct the microorganism entirely.



— School starts for 1 cardinal New York City kids amid caller vaccine rules

— Northern Idaho’s anti-government streak hampers COVID fight

— West Virginia sets 2 regular records for affirmative microorganism cases

— UK ditches plans for vaccine passports astatine crowded venues

— See AP sum astatine




BEIJING — A southeastern Chinese state has reported 22 much COVID-19 cases, bringing the full to 43 successful a caller outbreak driven by the highly transmissible delta variant.

Health authorities said Monday that 15 cases were confirmed successful Putian metropolis successful the latest 24-hour period. Another six were recovered successful Quanzhou city, and 1 much successful Xiamen, suggesting the microorganism whitethorn beryllium moving southbound from Putian.

All the infections are successful Fujian province, which is crossed from Taiwan connected China’s eastbound coast.

Schools person been closed successful Putian and anyone leaving the metropolis indispensable person impervious of a antagonistic COVID-19 trial successful the erstwhile 48 hours. The metropolis suspended autobus and bid work connected Saturday and has closed cinemas, bars and different facilities.

China has mostly stopped the dispersed of COVID-19 but has sporadic outbreaks. One outbreak driven by the delta variant dispersed to aggregate provinces successful July and August, raising interest astir caller and much contagious variants.



CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia acceptable 2 regular records successful the past week for affirmative coronavirus cases arsenic the pandemic continues to ravage the state.

Thursday’s full of confirmed cases was a grounds 1,738, lone to beryllium breached by Saturday’s full of 1,821, according to authorities wellness data. The erstwhile one-day precocious of much than 1,700 was acceptable connected Dec. 31.

The statewide full of 7,849 affirmative cases for the six days ending Saturday has already passed the seven-day full for the erstwhile week, which had been the second-highest during the pandemic. Sunday’s figures volition beryllium released connected Monday.

The highest for 1 week was astir 8,200 cases successful aboriginal January, a clip erstwhile microorganism vaccines were being offered lone for radical ages 65 and older.

The magnitude of play microorganism deaths statewide has gone up steadily since aboriginal August, erstwhile six deaths were reported for the week of Aug. 9. There person been 83 deaths successful the past week and 3,207 overall.



LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts says helium plans to articulation different Republican governors successful challenging President Joe Biden’s sweeping caller vaccine request successful court.

Ricketts said connected “Fox News Sunday” that Nebraska’s lawyer wide has been consulting with different attorneys wide who judge the national authorities is overstepping its authorization by mandating that each employers with much than 100 workers necessitate them to beryllium vaccinated oregon trial for the microorganism weekly, affecting astir 80 cardinal Americans. The astir 17 cardinal workers astatine wellness facilities that person national Medicare oregon Medicaid besides volition person to beryllium afloat vaccinated.

“This is truly going to make immense problems for each tiny businesses and for our American workers. and again, you shouldn’t person to marque the prime of keeping your occupation oregon getting a jab successful the arm,” Ricketts said.

In Nebraska, Ricketts has encouraged radical to get vaccinated and deterioration masks but helium has resisted mandates to bash either.


The seven-day rolling mean of regular caller cases successful Nebraska has risen implicit the past 2 weeks from 715.14 caller cases per time connected Aug. 27 to 822.86 caller cases per time connected Friday arsenic the highly contagious delta variant of the microorganism spreads.

Ricketts said helium is focused connected making definite hospitals person capable capableness to grip the surge successful COVID-19 cases.


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson says national vaccination mandates announced by President Joe Biden past week wounded efforts to flooded the public’s absorption to taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Republican politician has been notable successful moving to transportation reluctant Arkansas residents to beryllium vaccinated against the coronavirus. But successful an quality connected NBC’s “Meet the Press” connected Sunday, Hutchinson said a broad national vaccination mandate “hardens the resistance.”

The expansive rules mandate that each employers with much than 100 workers necessitate them to beryllium vaccinated oregon trial for the microorganism weekly, affecting astir 80 cardinal Americans. And the astir 17 cardinal workers astatine wellness facilities that person national Medicare oregon Medicaid backing besides volition person to beryllium afloat vaccinated.


Hutchinson said national requirements are “counterproductive,” interfering with authorities vaccination efforts alternatively of supporting them.

“We talked astir the information that we’ve historically had vaccination requirements successful schools,” helium said. “But those person ever travel astatine the authorities level, ne'er astatine the nationalist level.”

“And truthful this is an unprecedented presumption of national mandate authorization that truly disrupts and divides the country. It divides our concern betwixt the national authorities and the states. And it increases the part successful presumption of vaccination erstwhile we should each beryllium unneurotic trying to summation the vaccination uptake,” helium added.


LONDON — Britain’s wellness caput said Sunday that authorities person decided not to necessitate vaccine passports for introduction into nightclubs and different crowded events successful England, reversing people amid absorption from immoderate of the Conservative government’s supporters successful Parliament.


Sajid Javid said the authorities has shelved the thought of vaccine passports for present but could reconsider the determination if COVID-19 cases emergence exponentially erstwhile again.

“We’ve looked astatine it decently and whilst we should support it successful reserve arsenic a imaginable option, I’m pleased to accidental that we volition not beryllium going up with plans for vaccine passports,’’ Javid told the BBC.

The U-turn came conscionable days aft the government’s vaccines curate and the civilization caput suggested that vaccine passports would inactive beryllium necessary, contempt increasing absorption from lawmakers. Such passports are required successful different European countries, similar France.

In particular, members of the governing Conservative Party person objected to specified passports arsenic an unacceptable load connected businesses and an infringement connected residents’ quality rights.

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This worldly whitethorn not beryllium published, broadcast, rewritten oregon redistributed without permission.

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