Tigers chairman lifts lid on Madge 'debacle'

2 years ago 256

Wests Tigers president Lee Hagipantelis has lifted the lid connected the "embarrassing" circus that engulfed the nine connected Monday and culminated successful the decision to clasp Michael Maguire arsenic coach.

The Tigers committee launched an urgent reappraisal of the shot operations instantly pursuing a dismal last-round nonaccomplishment to woody spooners Canterbury a fortnight ago.

The reappraisal was conducted by nine CEO Justin Pascoe and shot main Adam Hartigan. It was wide believed it would extremity with the sacking of the coach.

A study connected Monday day claimed Maguire was to beryllium axed wrong hours, but the nine released a sensational connection little than 24 hours aboriginal announcing it volition not sack him.

Hours later, Hagipantelis fronted Nine News Sydney to explicate the comical bid of events.

"I've ne'er been captious of Michael Maguire arsenic a coach," helium said.

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"I'm unhappy with finishing 13th, arsenic our fans and members are, and arsenic they should be. But arsenic a idiosyncratic and arsenic a manager I've ne'er been captious of Michael, but unhappy with the results.

"Yesterday successful my presumption was a debacle and an embarrassment to the club.

"Far excessively overmuch of this process was played retired successful the media."

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It was reported the Tigers were eyeing disconnected existent Penrith adjunct Cameron Ciraldo arsenic a replacement manager erstwhile Maguire was gone.

There volition beryllium speculation the nine lone decided to clasp Maguire due to the fact that Ciraldo knocked them back, but the president denies that is the case.

"We did not see immoderate alternatives whatsoever. We did not attack immoderate alternate candidates, we did not talk to anyone astir it," helium said.

The Tigers person slid down the NRL ladder since Maguire took the reins 3 years ago.

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This twelvemonth they won lone 8 games and finished 13th, with the demoralising Round 25 nonaccomplishment to the Bulldogs a sour extremity to different bittersweet season.

Hagipantelis says Maguire is not nether immoderate unit to support his occupation successful the aboriginal stages of adjacent season.

"The unit volition beryllium external, it won't beryllium internal," helium said.

"It won't beryllium unit we enactment connected Michael oregon the playing group. We volition supply them each the enactment and the resources they request to succeed."

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