Times Reporters Discuss Their Experiences Outside the Capitol

2 years ago 282

Jan. 6, 2022, 11:36 a.m. ET

Jan. 6, 2022, 11:36 a.m. ET

The New York Times

A squad was deployed connected Jan. 6, 2021, to screen what was thought to beryllium a humble “Stop the Steal” rally connected the Ellipse.

Jonathan Weisman headshot

Jonathan Weisman

Hey everyone, invited backmost a twelvemonth later. This is astir fractional The New York Times squad that was deployed connected Jan. 6, 2021, to screen what we thought was going to beryllium a humble "Stop the Steal" rally connected the Ellipse, featuring the outgoing president bellowing his outrage, and a protestation to follow. Word connected the thoroughfare that greeting was really that Donald Trump and household were disappointed astatine the turnout and were not expecting much. There had been a bellicose rally the nighttime earlier featuring folks similar the InfoWars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Trump's archetypal nationalist information adviser, Michael Flynn, but attendance was thin. What bash you remember?

Zolan Kanno-Youngs headshot

Zolan Kanno-Youngs

I retrieve heading to the Ellipse successful the greeting expecting possibly a mates of scuffles but mostly a raucous Trump rally. Jonathan, you were my exertion astatine the time, and I really retrieve telling you that greeting that I would walk astir of my clip talking to Trump supporters astatine the Ellipse for a communicative that raised the question of whether they would beryllium loyal to the Republican enactment aft the Electoral College vote. I thought the time communicative would beryllium a governmental investigation – not 1 of the worst attacks connected the Capitol since 1812.

Jonathan Weisman headshot

Jonathan Weisman

Not 1 of the worst – THE WORST, since 1814, but yeah, that's however I retrieve the time starting, too.

Matthew Rosenberg headshot

Matthew Rosenberg

I retrieve going to the rally that erstwhile nighttime and feeling the anger. The rally was not immense – possibly 1 oregon 2 1000 people, tops. But they were spoiling for a fight. There were galore mean civilians. But determination were a fewer twelve men from the Three Percenters, an anti-government militia, and a mates of Proud Boys. They were wearing tactical vests and helmets, and they were each talking astir however they were acceptable to combat Antifa conscionable similar they did astatine erstwhile pro-Trump rallies successful November and December.

Jonathan Weisman headshot

Jonathan Weisman

I retrieve you astatine that rally. Did you person a atrocious feeling astir what mightiness unfold the adjacent day?

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