Tonga: The UN stands ready to support after volcano eruption and tsunami

2 years ago 498

Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his heavy interest aft reports of a tsunami and ash affecting Tonga pursuing the eruption connected an undersea volcano adjacent the Pacific nation.

The UN main besides aired his interest astir the tsunami warnings that person been issued successful different countries specified arsenic Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the United States.

“The United Nations offices successful the Pacific are intimately monitoring the concern and are connected standby to supply enactment if requested. The Secretary-General is grateful to countries that person already offered their support”, UN spokesperson Farhan Haq said successful a connection published connected Saturday.

According to the Tonga Geological Services, a monolithic underwater volcano erupted conscionable earlier sundown connected Friday with plumes reaching much than 12 miles supra oversea level. A unreality of ash and steam reached astir 150 miles across, an lawsuit captured by outer images that person been shared by assorted meteorological agencies.

There has not been an contiguous study of injuries oregon connected the widen of the harm owed to the nation's existent deficiency of connectivity.

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