UFC star accused of 'cheating' in weigh-in drama

2 years ago 255

UFC prima Khamzat Chimaev's weigh-in for his UFC 267 clash against China's Li Jingliang raised eyebrows, with the Swedish combatant accused of trying to "pull a accelerated one" to marque weight.

Chimaev, undefeated and touted arsenic a aboriginal champion by president Dana White, tipped the scales astatine 77.8kg — supra the 77kg bounds — and was fixed an other hr to suffer the other weight.

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He stripped bare erstwhile helium came backmost and utilized a towel to screen his backstage parts erstwhile helium was connected the scale. To the amazement of those successful attendance, Chimaev weighed successful astatine 75.3kg.

Chimaev was seen holding the apical of the towel during the 2nd attempt, and officials asked him to rise his hands for a 3rd effort which showed helium came successful close connected value astatine 77kg.

Chimaev seen holding the apical of the towel. (UFC)

As imaginativeness of the weigh-in circulated online, respective MMA fans and reporters accused the combatant of trying to cheat the scales.

"It was evident helium was trying to propulsion a accelerated 1 by leaning connected the towel. His value connected the 2nd try: 166 (pounds)! How could that perchance be?" MMA Junie's Simon Samano wrote.

"It was wide the dramatically smaller fig had everything to bash with Chimaev's evident towel shenanigans."

Even an authoritative tin beryllium heard asking "He mislaid 5 pounds?" successful bewilderment during the clip.

Chimaev's clash with China's Jingliang volition beryllium his archetypal successful much than a twelvemonth aft temporarily retiring owed to suffering terrible wellness issues from COVID-19.

He was scheduled to look British combatant Leon Edwards past December and successful January but affirmative Covid tests for some men cancelled the bouts.

Before being struck down by the virus, Chimaev burst onto the country with 3 wins successful 66 days and was hailed arsenic a aboriginal prima aft disposing of respective opponents successful the archetypal round.

His past clash against Gerald Meerschaert successful September 2020 lasted 17 seconds.

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