Unvaxxed stars to be allowed at Aus Open

2 years ago 261

Unvaccinated players volition beryllium allowed to enactment successful January's Australian Open, but volition request to implicit 14-days of edifice quarantine upon introduction to Australia.

Women's Tennis Association (WTA) players were notified of the conditions that some afloat vaccinated and unvaccinated players volition look successful the archetypal Grand Slam of 2022 aft communications with tourney manager Craig Tilley.

READ MORE: Woodbridge says Djokovic volition person to uncover vaccination status

An email sent to players states unvaccinated players tin get successful Australia immoderate clip aft December 1, but volition request to acquisition a mandatory two-week hard edifice quarantine play portion besides submitting to regular COVID-19 testing.

Reigning Australian Open men's champion Novak Djokovic is yet to uncover his vaccination presumption (Getty)

Fully vaccinated players tin besides get astatine immoderate clip aft December 1, but volition not beryllium required to quarantine upon accomplishment and volition person "complete state of movement".

Despite the freedoms allowed, some afloat vaccinated and unvaccinated players indispensable nutrient a antagonistic COVID-19 trial effect wrong 72 hours of their departure from their respective countries.

The Victorian authorities is yet to marque an authoritative announcement connected the Australian Open.

While unvaccinated players volition beryllium allowed down under, it remains to beryllium seen whether reigning men's Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic makes the trip.

Djokovic said past week that helium did not cognize whether helium would question to Australia for the tourney and refused to uncover his vaccination status.

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Australian Open champions: Past winners of Grand Slam from 2000 tourney onwards

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