Winter weather could send oil to $100 per barrel, Bank of America analysts say

2 years ago 260

Published: Sept. 13, 2021 astatine 5:54 a.m. ET

FORT WORTH, TX - FEBRUARY 16: Pike Electric work trucks enactment up aft a snowfall tempest connected February 16, 2021 successful Fort Worth, Texas.

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The rally successful crude lipid futures has stalled since June, but could resume again and adjacent deed $100 depending however acold it gets, according to Bank of America analysts led by Francisco Blanch.

Front-month crude-oil futures CL.1rose arsenic precocious arsenic $75 per tube successful June, but since past person fallen arsenic debased arsenic the debased 60s, and much precocious are trading astir $70 a barrel.


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